If you’ve ever had to go through the process of getting wisdom teeth extracted, you were probably left with the feeling that these teeth are much more trouble than they’re worth. It doesn’t really seem like they supply you with any benefits, and the drawbacks when they don’t grow in properly can be massive.
This may lead you to wonder what these teeth are even for. As it turns out, this is a subject of massive debate. Here are a few of the leading theories for why wisdom teeth came about, and why they cause such problems now.
Why Do We Have Wisdom Teeth to Begin With?
While it’s impossible to say for sure what wisdom teeth are used for, there are a few theories that have gained prominence over time.
The first has to do with the shape of the teeth. Wisdom teeth are flat and broad, much like the rest of the molars. Molars are used to grind up tough foods to make them easier to digest, as opposed to the front teeth, which are better suited to slicing.
Some people believe that wisdom teeth are a relic of an era where our diets were rarely cooked or processed, which would necessitate greater grinding force than you may be able to get without them.
Another theory posits that wisdom teeth grow later in life because they’re meant to replace teeth that have been lost. It’s thought that in pre-history, people were much more likely to lose their teeth. Having four “spare” teeth that would emerge in people’s early 20s would be useful to replace them.
Why Are They Such a Problem Now?
First of all, it’s worth noting that wisdom teeth aren’t necessarily a problem for everyone. If you’ve had teeth taken out before, your wisdom teeth may grow in just fine.
However, for most people, wisdom teeth tend to grow in at weird angles that clash into other teeth. This makes them footholds for bacteria and can push other teeth out of alignment. This is if they sprout at all—it’s common for wisdom teeth not to have enough room to emerge, causing them to uncomfortably impacted.
For these reasons, it’s typical to remove the wisdom teeth. Whatever purpose they once had, one thing is for sure nowadays—they’re rarely all that useful.
About Our Practice
At Norton Family Dentistry, we’re enormously proud to carry on the tradition of providing immaculate dental care to members of our community for over 40 years. We’ve helped generations of families get the most beautiful smiles possible via immaculate dentistry. Moreover, we want to welcome our patients into our family, so we get to know them as individuals to ensure that we can tailor treatment to them.
If you have any questions about wisdom teeth, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (508) 226-1686.